Where Is My Traffic Going? It’s Not Coming To WordPress!

I know my 52FLC website is shadow-banned or blocked somehow. 4k average hits are getting to CloudFlare, but WordPress only has 8 human visitors. Dang, Why can’t I figure? It out? It’s a known fact that gatekeepers control what consumers find while using their search indexes.

US Citizen Voters

How is big tech able to block websites like mine that are MAGA Republicans and Trump supporters? I think it’s the master chief gatekeeper, Google. I’ve had reports saying this site could not be found, and I experienced that once when turning on CloudFlare FREE Warp VPN on my Windows 11 notebook computer.

It’s all about the domain name system commonly called (DNS). The internet consists of domain names that must be instantaionisly matched to an Internet Protocol Number (IP) number. There are IP4 and the newer IPV6 that contain numbers and letters. I’m not up on the latter, but are seeing IPV6 quite frequently. IPV4 is like comparing apples to IPV6 oranges. The new IP is because we ran out of numbers needed to make up an IPV4.

Please register to vote as soon as possible. I’m as serious as a heart attack! If Donald Trump is Defeated in the most crucial election in America’s history! If Ole Crooked Joe steals another four-year term, we might as well take Old Glory down and put that ugly Chinese flag in its place! GET OUT & VOTE Trump2024!

You might ask, what’s the big deal? It’s all about the master gatekeeper guarding the henhouse and keeping the foxes out. And does anybody in the crowd know who leases the IPV4 address It belongs to Google Inc., and most internet service providers (ISPs) use Google’s DNS to query the IP number that matches the domain name the site visitor wants to connect to. I’m leaning more and more toward where my traffic is going.

Ron DeSantis

It’s no secret that the Good Internet Doctor is on big tech’s crap list. I operated a website called ebaymotorssucks.com that’s no longer online. I’m like most folks who believe in helping others. I was Tampa Bay’s first car dealer to sell used cars on eBay in 1991. I sold this Rolls Royce for a buddy of mine Joe Perrin who is up in used car dealer Heaven, laughing his ass off at me. I won’t say why he is laughing and probably whizzing on me from his private cloud!

Getting back to eBay and later eBay Motors, there was a partnership between eBay and AutoTrader.com, which built the motors site. Things were great in the beginning. I was offering older new car dealer trade-in units for dealers. I promoted the fly-in drive-home concept. Ole Doc also promoted the rust-free Florida Retirees traded-in units. If you are in the NE area, you can not locate a car as nice as it is. If it is snowing and you are in the middle of a blizzard and would rather have your car shipped home on a car carrier, call me toll-free for a shipping quote. At that time, I had a toll-free Vonage internet phone.

In around 2-3 years, European scammers and the dregs of the car business figured out what to do with the AOL disks being given away in stores nationwide. Ma Meg Whitman said you can trust your trading partner as she was stuffing her money in her bank account. One night, I logged in, and the first three pages were all scams. Trusting eBay buyers were getting picked to the bone primarily by Romanian fraudsters. One guy called me after wiring $43K for a year-old BMW.

I had to tell him it would not be recoverable once his money went international. Being the excellent egg I am, I was helping buyers/sellers on the motor community forum. A lady from Iceland called me saying she bought a late model Lincoln, and the dealer in Miami kept stalling and wouldn’t deliver the car to the port. I looked up the phone number for the Florida DMV Dealer Enforcement in Miami and told her to call them right away. If she has any questions, call me back—one of the dregs of the car business. Probably double-floating the floor plan. Those were the good old days!

doc's car buying guide

Now that I’ve entertained y’all with some early Internet days memories let us get back to Google and the DNS that Identifies itself by the IPV4 address of Any ISP, business, whatever, if they are using, hooking into Goog’s DNS will likely only let us see anything the Democratic Party approves of. An alternative DNS provider I use is CloudFlare at This is good for outgoing queries. I love all this neat tech stuff, but it is being used maliciously to censor us. Come to my site at 52FLC.ORG and sign up for my listserve notifications of new posts. Pray for me to get well soon. I’m just an old Koon fighting for survival under a dishonest government!

Also a demonstration on Gramarly and a tour of how to restore a WordPress revision. From the Good Internet Doctor!

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

Love America? 🇺🇸 Defend Her! 📣